import os import pwd import json from ruamel.yaml import YAML import logging import jsonschema class RegularUserException(Exception): pass class Config: __shared_state = dict() _config = dict() def __init__(self): self.__dict__ = self.__shared_state if not self._config:"Loading configuration...") self._schema = dict() self._backups = list() self._devices = dict() file_path = os.path.realpath(__file__) schema_path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname( file_path ), "schema.yml" ) with open(schema_path, "r") as stream: self._schema = YAML().load(stream) self.find_config() def find_config(self): # who are we? uid = os.getuid() # name? user = pwd.getpwuid(uid).pw_name logging.debug("Trying to find the configuration") try: if uid == 0: config_file = "/etc/backive.yml" else: raise RegularUserException( """ It is planned to add functionality to use this service as a regular user, but for the time being it is advised to execute this service as root, because this feature is still planned and needs more development time. """) config_file = os.path.join( os.path.expanduser("~"), ".config", "backive", "backive.yml" ) with open(config_file, "r") as cfg: self._config = YAML().load(cfg) logging.debug( "Found config: %s\n%s", config_file, json.dumps(self._config, indent=4) ) jsonschema.validate(self._config, self._schema) except RegularUserException as e: raise e except Exception as e: logging.error(e) def get_devices(self): from backive.core.device import Device if self._config.get("devices", None) and not self._devices: data = self._config.get("devices") for device, values in data.items(): self._devices.update({ device: Device.instance( device, values ) }) return self._devices async def get_device(self, name): for device, value in self.get_devices().items(): if device == name: return value return None def get_backups(self) -> list: from backive.core.backup import Backup if self._config.get("backups", None) and not self._backups: data = self._config.get("backups") for name in data: self._backups.append( Backup.instance( name, data.get(name) ) ) return self._backups async def get_uuid_device(self, uuid): logging.debug("get device %s", uuid) for device, value in self.get_devices().items(): logging.debug( "device %s, config %s", device, json.dumps(value.config) ) if value.config.get("uuid") == uuid: return value return None async def get_backups_by_device(self, uuid): name = None if not self._config.get("devices"): return None for k, v in self._config.get("devices").items(): if v.get("uuid") == uuid: name = k if name: return self.get_device_backups(name) return None def get_device_backups(self, name): backups = list() for backup in self.get_backups(): if backup.config.get("target_device") == name: backups.append(backup) return backups async def get_preferences(self): if self._config.get("preferences", None): return self._config.get("preferences") return {}