
237 lines
6.7 KiB

package backive
import (
// Mockings
var mockCmdRun = func(c *exec.Cmd) error {
return c.Run()
// Backup contains all necessary information for executing a configured backup.
type Backup struct {
Name string `mapstructure:",omitempty"`
TargetDevice string `mapstructure:"targetDevice"`
TargetPath string `mapstructure:"targetPath"`
SourcePath string `mapstructure:"sourcePath"`
ScriptPath interface{} `mapstructure:"scriptPath"`
Frequency int `mapstructure:"frequency"`
ExeUser string `mapstructure:"user,omitempty"`
Label string `mapstructure:"label,omitempty"`
logger *log.Logger
// Backups is nothing else than a name to Backup type mapping
type Backups map[string]*Backup
// FindBackupsForDevice only finds the first backup which is configured for a given device.
func (bs *Backups) FindBackupsForDevice(d Device) ([]*Backup, bool) {
var backups = []*Backup{}
for _, b := range *bs {
if d.Name == b.TargetDevice {
backups = append(backups, b)
var ret = len(backups) > 0
return backups, ret
// CanRun Checks the configuration items required and checks the frequency setting with the run database if a Backup should run.
func (b *Backup) CanRun() error {
// target path MUST exist
if b.TargetPath == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("the setting targetPath MUST exist within a backup configuration")
// script must exist, having only script means this is handled in the script
if b.ScriptPath == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("the setting scriptPath must exist within a backup configuration")
if !b.ShouldRun() {
return fmt.Errorf("frequency (days inbetween) not reached")
return nil
// PrepareRun prepares a run for a backup, creates a logger for the execution of the backup script and gives the rights of the directory recursively to the user specified.
func (b *Backup) PrepareRun() error {
backupPath := path.Join(
// configure extra logger
logdir := config.Settings.LogLocation
logname := path.Join(logdir, b.Name) + ".log"
logfile, err := os.OpenFile(logname, os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR, 0666)
if err != nil {
log.Println("Error creating logfile!")
return err
writer := io.MultiWriter(logfile)
b.logger = log.New(writer, b.Name, log.LstdFlags)
cmd := exec.Command("chown", "-R", b.ExeUser, backupPath)
err = mockCmdRun(cmd)
if err != nil {
b.logger.Printf("chown for backup directory failed: %s", err)
return err
b.logger.Printf("Backup %s prepared.", b.Name)
return nil
// Run runs the backup script with appropriate rights.
func (b *Backup) Run() error {
log.Printf("Running backup '%s'.", b.Name)
dev, ok := config.Devices[b.TargetDevice]
if ok {
log.Printf("Device found: %s (%s).", dev.Name, dev.UUID)
} else {
log.Printf("Device %s not found", b.TargetDevice)
return fmt.Errorf("device %s not found", b.TargetDevice)
if ok && dev.IsMounted() {
var scriptWArgs []string
switch slice := b.ScriptPath.(type) {
case []interface{}:
for _, v := range slice {
scriptWArgs = append(scriptWArgs, v.(string))
case []string:
for _, v := range slice {
scriptWArgs = append(scriptWArgs, v)
case string:
scriptWArgs = append(scriptWArgs, slice)
log.Print("Fuck, the var is nothing we predicted...")
if !strings.ContainsAny(scriptWArgs[0], "/") || strings.HasPrefix(scriptWArgs[0], ".") {
//The scriptPath is a relative path, from the place of the config, so use the config as base
log.Printf("ERROR: Script path is relative, aborting.")
return fmt.Errorf("script path is relative, aborting")
var cmd *exec.Cmd
var args []string
if b.ExeUser != "" {
// setup script environment including user to use
args = []string{"-E", "-u", b.ExeUser, "/usr/bin/sh"}
args = append(args, scriptWArgs...)
cmd = exec.Command("sudo", args...)
} else {
args = []string{}
args = append(args, scriptWArgs...)
cmd = exec.Command("/usr/bin/sh", args...)
b.logger.Printf("Running backup script of '%s'", b.Name)
b.logger.Printf("Script is: %s", b.ScriptPath)
b.logger.Printf("Full command is: %s", cmd.String())
cmd.Stdout = b.logger.Writer()
cmd.Stderr = b.logger.Writer()
cmd.Env = []string{
fmt.Sprintf("BACKIVE_MOUNT=%s", config.Settings.SystemMountPoint),
path.Join(config.Settings.SystemMountPoint, dev.Name, b.TargetPath),
fmt.Sprintf("BACKIVE_FROM=%s", b.SourcePath),
log.Printf("Environment for process: %s", cmd.Env)
cmd.Dir = path.Join(config.Settings.SystemMountPoint, dev.Name)
log.Printf("About to run: %s", cmd.String())
// run script
err := mockCmdRun(cmd)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Backup '%s' run failed", b.Name)
return err
return nil
// quit with error that the device is not available.
return fmt.Errorf("the device is not mounted")
// Runs contains the Data for the scheduler: mapping from backups to a list of timestamps of the last 10 backups
type Runs struct {
data map[string][]time.Time
// Load loads the data from the json database
func (r *Runs) Load(db Database) {
data :=["runs"]
if data != "" {
runerr := json.Unmarshal([]byte(["runs"]), &
if runerr != nil {
// Save saves the data into the json database
func (r *Runs) Save(db Database) {
if == nil { = map[string]string{}
str, err := json.Marshal(
if err != nil {
}["runs"] = string(str)
// ShouldRun Takes a backup key and returns a bool if a backup should run now.
func (b *Backup) ShouldRun() bool {
freq := b.Frequency
// calculate time difference from last run, return true if no run has taken place
lr, ok := runs.LastRun(b)
if ok == nil {
dur := time.Since(lr)
days := dur.Hours() / 24
if days >= float64(freq) {
return true
if freq == 0 {
return true
return false
// RegisterRun saves a date of a backup run into the internal storage
func (r *Runs) RegisterRun(b *Backup) {
if == nil { = map[string][]time.Time{}
nbl, ok :=[b.Name]
if !ok {
nbl = make([]time.Time, 1)
nbl = append([]time.Time{time.Now()}, nbl...)[b.Name] = nbl
// LastRun returns the time.Time of the last run of the backup given.
func (r *Runs) LastRun(b *Backup) (time.Time, error) {
_, ok :=[b.Name]
if ok {
slice :=[b.Name]
if len(slice) > 0 {
var t = time.Time(slice[0])
return t, nil
return time.Unix(0, 0), fmt.Errorf("backup name not found and therefore has never run")