package backive import ( "fmt" "os/exec" "path" "runtime" "testing" ) func getCurrentFilePath() string { pc, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(1) fmt.Printf("pc: %d, file: %s, line: %d, ok: %v\n", pc, file, line, ok) return file } func TestFindBackupsForDevice(t *testing.T) { var testBackups = Backups{} testBackups["backup1"] = &Backup{ Name: "backup1", TargetDevice: "dev1", } testBackups["backup2"] = &Backup{ Name: "backup2", TargetDevice: "dev1", } testBackups["backup3"] = &Backup{ Name: "backup3", TargetDevice: "dev2", } var testDevice = Device{ Name: "dev1", } bkps, found := testBackups.FindBackupsForDevice(testDevice) if !found { t.Log("found has to be true") t.Fail() } if len(bkps) != 2 { t.Log("Length of the returned backup slice has to be 2") t.Fail() } for _, b := range bkps { if b.TargetDevice != testDevice.Name { t.Log("All resulting elements of the returned slice have to have the questioned device as TargetDevice!") t.Fail() } } } func TestCanRun(t *testing.T) { var bkpTargetPathMissing = Backup{ Name: "targetPathMissing", ScriptPath: "Somethingsomething", } err := bkpTargetPathMissing.CanRun() if err == nil { t.Log("Missing targetPath has to fail function 'CanRun()'") t.Fail() } var bkpScriptPathMissing = Backup{ Name: "scriptPathMissing", TargetPath: "somethingsomething", } err = bkpScriptPathMissing.CanRun() if err == nil { t.Log("Missing scriptPath has to fail function 'CanRun()'") t.Fail() } var bkpFrequencyZero = Backup{ Name: "testFrequencyZero", TargetPath: "somewhere", ScriptPath: "somehwere_else", Frequency: 0, } var bkpFrequencySeven = Backup{ Name: "testFrequencySeven", TargetPath: "somewhere", ScriptPath: "somewhere_else", Frequency: 7, } database.Load() runs.Load(database) runs.RegisterRun(&bkpFrequencyZero) err = bkpFrequencyZero.CanRun() if err != nil { t.Log("Frequency zero can be executed anytime.") t.Fail() } runs.RegisterRun(&bkpFrequencySeven) err = bkpFrequencySeven.CanRun() if err == nil { t.Log("Frequency 7 must give an error about not having reached the interval") t.Fail() } } func setupNewTestEnv(subdir string) { file := getCurrentFilePath() dir, _ := path.Split(file) dir = path.Join(dir, "test", "_workarea", subdir) config.Settings.SystemMountPoint = path.Join(dir, "mnt") config.Settings.LogLocation = path.Join(dir, "log") fmt.Printf("SystemMountPoint: %s, LogLocation: %s\n", config.Settings.SystemMountPoint, config.Settings.LogLocation) } func TestPrepareRun(t *testing.T) { setupNewTestEnv("preparerun") mockCmdRun = func(c *exec.Cmd) error { return nil } var testBkp = Backup{ Name: "testbkp", TargetDevice: "mytarget", TargetPath: "mypath", } err := testBkp.PrepareRun() if err != nil { t.Log("When this fails, something's fishy...") t.Fail() } } func TestRun(t *testing.T) { setupNewTestEnv("run") config.Devices = map[string]*Device{ "mytarget": new(Device), } config.Devices["mytarget"].Name = "mytarget" config.Devices["mytarget"].UUID = "123-456-789-abc-def" mockCmdRun = func(c *exec.Cmd) error { return nil } var testBkp = Backup{ Name: "testbkp", TargetDevice: "mytargets", TargetPath: "mypath", ScriptPath: "/dev/null", SourcePath: "/dev/random", } err := testBkp.Run() if err == nil || err.Error() != "device mytargets not found" { if err != nil { t.Logf("The error should be 'device mytargets not found', but is '%s'", err.Error()) t.Fail() } } testBkp.TargetDevice = "mytarget" config.Devices["mytarget"].Mount() err = testBkp.PrepareRun() err = testBkp.Run() if err != nil { t.Logf("Error which should not occur: %s", err) t.Fail() } mockCmdRun = func(c *exec.Cmd) error { return nil } }